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December 11, 2014
Licensing Commission Gosgeologii Kyrgyzstan refused two companies to grant licenses to non-metallic minerals

Commission on licensing subsoil of the State Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources, December 10, 2014 refused to farm "Moldokulov" and ZAO "Chaarat ZAAV" in issuing licenses for non-metallic minerals. Previously farm "Moldokulov" request a license for the development of sand on 3 hectares in the field of Ivanovo (Issyk-Ata district, Chui oblast).

December 3, 2014
Russia has reduced gas production by 3.6%, oil production increased by 0.7%

In gas production declined in January-November 2014 was 3.6% compared to the same period in 2013 - to 581, 693 billion cubic meters. The data contained in the operational construction SE "CDU TEK". In November, Russia produced 61.051 billion. Cubic meters of gas. "Gazprom" for 11 months of this year, got the 393, 469 billion cubic meters. In November - 43, 113 billion cubic meters of fuel. "NOVATEK" in January-November made 49, 056 billion cubic meters of fuel (in November - 4, 282 billion cubic meters). 

December 3, 2014
Marathon Oil announced the discovery in Iraqi Kurdistan

Marathon Oil Corp. announced that exploration wells Dzhisik-1 (Jisik-1), drilled with the assistance of its branch Marathon Oil KDV BV within blocks of Harir (Harir Block) in Iraqi Kurdistan, oil and gas-bearing detected horizons. Well Dzhisik-1 4575 m deep was drilled about 66 km from the city of Erbil. Manifestations of oil and natural gas in sediments of Jurassic and Triassic age.

December 3, 2014
Andrew Mohnyk introduced the new Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine

December 3, 2014 at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine was presented to the new Minister. He was Igor Shevchenko. Before that, he was a member of the Expert Council under the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.

December 1, 2014
A number of projects in the field of oil production in Mexico may not be realized due to the fall in world oil prices

A number of projects in the region neftedobыchy in Mexico bыt Can not realyzovan because of the Fall myrovыh prices for oil, reported in Friday Finance Minister Luis Vydeharay latynoamerykanskoy country. "If the price of oil in the Off-peak times Will techenye neskolku months, that is projects, kotorыe not to be realyzovanы, there Nowy Very dorohostoyaschye razvedky on deposits of projects, kotorыe WILL pryostanovlenы" - said in Vydeharay efire Radio Imagen.

December 1, 2014
The State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine: There's no limit to "login" fossil market

Since 2014 Derzhheonadra Ukraine transferred to the State Budget of Ukraine 487 490 787.35 USD. payment of the fee for issuance of special permits for mineral resources and funds from the sale of permits, almost half (86%) higher than planned for this year rate of cash receipts. Successful in attracting investment heolorozvidku and mining took place as part of a strategy developed by the State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine.

December 1, 2014
Stellar has increased the forecast total reserves of diamonds in the mine Dyke-1 to 1.45 million carats

In the West of Stellar Diamonds noted 35 percent increase predicted by the standard JORC reserves at its kimberlite dike-1 (Dyke-1) in Tonga, Sierra Leone. In a statement, sent to Rough & Polished, said that the results of the initial test samples from kimberlite showed 37 percent increase in diamond content - up to 165 carats per hundred tonnes of ore mined.

December 1, 2014
Wintershall has closed a deal for Statoil offshore assets for $ 1.25 billion

Wintershall - "daughter" of the German BASF's petrochemical and long-standing European partner of "Gazprom" GAZP + 1,76%, completed the acquisition of the assets of the Norwegian Statoil on the Norwegian continental shelf for $ 1.25 billion, the report said Statoil. These assets include 51% of the license to develop the field Aasta Hansteen and operator rights in it, the share of deposits in the Vega and Gjoa, as well as four fields around Voring.

November 17, 2014
The Energy Community Secretariat requested clarification regarding the government's decision to suspend the open gas market

The recently adopted decision, the Cabinet re-legalized monopoly of state-owned company "Naftogaz of Ukraine" on the import and supply of natural gas in the country, without providing adequate explanation for the disastrous intervention in the market. Resolution is valid until February 28, 2015.

November 11, 2014
Association "Subsoil Users of Ukraine" became part of the working group on the implementation of commitments under the Energy Community


Association "Subsoil Users of Ukraine" became part of the multilateral working group for the development, implementation and monitoring of the effectiveness of the reforms, according to the commitments under the Energy Community.
According to the Ministry of Energy and Mines  №766 of 28 October 2014, for the proper execution of p. 29, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17.09.2014 № 864 "On Amendments to the Action Plan for the implementation of the commitments under the Treaty Energy Community "ministry established a working group composed of both heads of the departments, government companies and organizations, and representatives of professional associations and NGOs.